From the portfolio: ARTIS

In 2020, Food Hub was asked to help think about the interpretation of a Food Boulevard at Artis. This boulevard should become a sensory experience, a place that invites visitors to connect with themes around food and ecosystems. A place, moreover, that motivates visitors to take action for a better food system.

Food Boulevard

Food Hub bent over this challenge with key figures in the food movement through a design sprint. During the design sprint, we not only engaged with experts, but also conducted experiments and tested various ideas. This process led to focused concept development that translated the story of food and ecosystems into the visitor experience in a tangible and appealing way. The end result was a coherent proposal that allowed the boulevard to take shape in an accessible and appealing way, bringing together sensory elements, interactive installations and educational moments to convey a powerful message. It is a place that both informs and inspires.