The farmer as pharmacist

Three-quarters of the Dutch eat too few vegetables. Somewhere in the chain from farmer to plate it goes wrong. How do we ensure that what we grow actually leads to a healthy society? And how can a society that eats healthy really benefit farmers and growers?
The event is on Oct. 22, 2024 at 8 p.m.
At the agriculture table with the architect

Everyone at the table for a broad-based narrative on food and agriculture

The Dutch agricultural sector produces with the international food market in mind, rather than Dutch public health. The current administration plans to invest less in long-term social projects. The question therefore arises as to which parties in the food chain have the ambition to continue putting healthy and affordable food products on the shelf - and to make health a revenue model for farming.

How do we achieve an agricultural policy where the crops on the land are aligned with what we need on our plates? What steps must be taken by manufacturers, supermarkets and government to make the farmer the pharmacist of society?

This evening is part of our discussion series 'At the agriculture table with...'. Publicly, rather than behind closed doors, during our agriculture tables, together with the National Climate Platform and De Balie, we work towards a 'broad-based story'. Everyone with a heart for food and agriculture is welcome: from concerned citizens to agriculture and food professionals. Together with our discussion leaders and a diverse audience, we ensure lively and sincere conversations - with the outcome, we hope, being a large(er) unanimity on the future of our agriculture.


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