Ira and Ayra Kip in the kitchen cooking.

Cooked History

This course is about discovering your Cooked history. What does it mean and why is it important to view your own history through the lens of food? Whether you are a chef or a storyteller, whether you do this professionally or personally; you will be introduced to a new level of storytelling through food. We promise you: after this course, a carrot is no longer "just a carrot.

Facilitated by

KIP Republic & Food Hub

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Why take this course?

This course is for you if the idea of connecting food to storytelling fascinates you. Step by step, you will learn what we mean by Cooked history, why it is important to view your own history through the lens of food, to share your own Cooked history, and last but not least, to create your first Cooked history experience.

*Please note that this course is in English

Portrait photo of Ira Kip and Ayra Kip for Food Hub

Meet the experts

We created this course in collaboration with Ira and Ayra Kip of Kip Republic. These twin sisters are storytellers, writers, food lovers and creative producers. To do what they do best - creative storytelling - they launched Kip Republic in May 2018. In 2020, Ira and Ayra organized "Free Heri Heri For All," an initiative intended to make the commemoration and celebration of the abolishment of the transatlantic slave trade (July 1st, 1863) more inclusive. The success of Free Heri Heri signaled the need for a broader platform that documents and shares the history and legacy of Dutch food culture with close attention to colonialism and migration. Kip Republic responded to that and Cooked history was born and serves as an archive of stories that preserve this history and its future.

Portrait photo of Lelani Lewis

Meet your trainer

Lelani Lewis is your guide for this course. Lelani will guide you through the course from A to Z. As the initiator of Code Noir, she organizes interactive pop-up dinners exploring the culinary history of the Caribbean. Therefore, she knows better than anyone how to tell, share and develop Cooked histories. Lelani is also the founder of Whisk Food Studio and recently launched her first cookbook. Lelani: " The more you try, the more you fail, the more you know which way you need to go."

What will you learn?


1.1 Hi there (video)!

2.1 Introduction video

2.2 Course workbook

3.1 Video with experts Ira and Ayra Kip

4.1 Serving food with your message

4.2 Cook Heri Heri

5.1 How food shapes our lives

5.2 How did food shape your life?

5.3 Sharing food memories

5.4 Discover your wider food history

6.1 Curiosity and magic

6.2 Message + food memory + history = cooked history!

7.1 The thing that unites food and stories: sharing.

7.2 Momentum

8.1 Wrap up

8.2 Curated sources

8.3 Credits

8.4 We love to hear from you

Attend this training for free

What do you get?

  • 9 instructional videos (including subtitles and transcripts)
  • Video portrait of Ira and Ayra Kip, the Cooked history experts
  • Your personal workbook
  • Example casestudy
  • Carefully curated sources for additional learning
  • Unlimited access (including future updates)
Subscribe now


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You'll need a screen and internet. That's the beauty: you can take the course in the comfort of your own home, and on your own time! We do recommend that you print out the workbook.

This course is based on self-study. You can take it as long or short as you like. We recommend that you take the course consecutively, divided into 4 or 5 separate moments.

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