Recognition for food innovators: the Van Amsterdamse Bodem Award 2023

Amsterdam is full of food pioneers who put sustainability and health on the map every day. To recognize and reward these inspired entrepreneurs, Van Amsterdamse Bodem is organizing a special event for the second time on October 5: the presentation of the Van Amsterdamse Bodem Award.
The event is on Oct 05, 2023 at 0:00 a.m.
Peeling a beet | From Amsterdam Bottom Award

Spotlight on Amsterdam's sustainable food talent

This prestigious award is a tribute to those who demonstrate that sustainable and healthy business go hand in hand with local and healthy food. The initiative aims to give pioneers who enrich the city with their sustainable initiatives a well-deserved moment in the spotlight. So, are you or do you know an Amsterdam food pioneer who deserves this recognition? Sign yourself up or nominate someone via this link. Note that the deadline for applications is already September 4, so don't wait too long!