Working digitally on future-proof earning models: Launching online Farmer Accelerator

The online Farmers Accelerator is a unique program for entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector who are looking for a future-proof earnings model. In this program you get to work on your business and personal development. Proven methods and exercises are translated to the agricultural sector explained through accessible video lessons. The result: a new way of looking at your business, making plans for the future and a tested earning model.
The event is on Oct. 12, 2023 at 0:00 a.m.
Empty school desks in a barn

What is an accelerator?

In the startup world, it is a well-known phenomenon: an accelerator that allows (nascent) companies to get their business plan up to speed in an emergency pace and thus make their way to investors as quickly as possible. The online Farmers Accelerator is an accelerator program specifically for agricultural entrepreneurs. By now, 50+ farmers have participated in our classic Farmers Accelerator in four editions. See who has participated so far here.

After months of preparation, we are launching this unique online course on Oct. 12.


Read all about the Online Farmer Accelerator here