Gerrie and Ton meet at the bus stop during the LTO Noord members' day
For many farmers and gardeners, it is an uncertain time. What will be decided from the government? Does it fit with all the measures entrepreneurs have already implemented? What will their future look like? In the performance "Melkbus" you will see this struggle reflected with the necessary self-mockery. On March 28 the performance can be seen at the LTO Noord members day.

The pop-up theater for farmer and gardener
In the agricultural sector we face great challenges. In the performance Melkbus this is discussed in a comical way and with a lot of self-mockery. Gerrie and Ton take you into their worlds of experience. One from the farm and the other from the city. This play is a collaboration of LTO Noord, NAJK and Food Hub. With a financial contribution from the Ministry of LNV, and the LTO Noord Innovation Fund.