The Top from Below

On Wednesday, December 6, 'The Summit from the bottom up' will take place. An event that shows the promising initiatives for a more sustainable Netherlands, and where the successes, lessons and opportunities for acceleration are there. With our own project 'Stop the Food Fight', we are making a significant contribution to this inspiring day.
The event is on Dec. 06, 2023 at 0:00 a.m.

Large and small steps are already being taken

At the same time as the UN international climate conference in Dubai, which is receiving attention from world leaders and large-scale protest marches around the world, The Summit van Onderop aims to highlight the positive work already happening in the Netherlands. The day provides a platform for exchanging experiences, deepening insights and making new connections. In this way, global negotiations and local dynamics are connected.

The event organized by a collective of organizations committed to sustainability demonstrates how collaboration can increase the power of society. The event will take place at Theater het Spant! in Bussum.


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