The 2024 Summit from the bottom up

The successful first summit of Onderop in tasted like more. That is why the National Climate Platform is organizing a second national edition on Wednesday, November 20, 2024. Mark this date in your calendar!
The event is on Nov. 20, 2024 at 11:00 a.m.

Change is in full swing

During The Top of Below, the National Climate Platform will show that many people and organizations in the Netherlands are already actively contributing to sustainability. Think of local residents generating energy together, companies accelerating their move away from fossil energy, sports clubs that have become energy suppliers, and travelers keeping public transport affordable. They share their success stories and show: sustainability from the bottom up is in full swing.

As Food Hub, we are filling in the section on food and agriculture in collaboration with the National Climate Platform. This year, food and agriculture gets a major role in the program, where we show how these sectors contribute to a sustainable future.

For more information and updates, sign up for the National Climate Platform newsletter.



Read more about the 2023 Summit from the bottom up