Inhuman consulting firm

Can you do some inhuman adviceĀ use? Then come to Bottom View July 2! On this day you can participate in several human-facilitated sessions that will teach you to shift your focus to the more-than-human.
The event is on 02 Jul 2023 at 13:00

Speaking for other-living people

The InhumanAdvisory Bureau is part of the program Soil Life, developed by Platform DIS and Stichting Bodemzicht. On the afternoon of Sunday, July 2, you can seek advice from various "inhuman counseling agencies. Soil Life invites a number of interpreters to give their voices to differently abled people. It may sound paradoxical, but for years these speakers for the differently abled have been putting themselves in the position of, for example, the alpine newt, the (living) soil, or natural phenomena such as drought.

Speaking for the differently abled is valuable, challenging and necessary. We live inseparably with others, including mostly nonhumans. Indeed, we ourselves consist in part of non-human co-inhabitants. We positively depend on other animals, plants, microbes, fungi and certainly minerals, rivers and oceans. It is challenging for us humans, raised with an anthropocentric worldview (human-centered), to find the right attitude to genuinely empathize with a living one that is non-human. To develop insight into our symbiotic life and celebrate our symbiosis, we are hosting the first Inhuman Counseling Session especially for you!

Sessions shaped by Bonnie Chopard, Dr. masharu, The Weedkeeper, Anne van Leeuwen, Rik van der Linden and Ricardo Cano Mateo.

You can sign up through this link.